Comic-Con 2018 Preview Night
Yes, Preview Night at the Con happened last night and with great aplomb, I steeled myself to handle the crowd. I went in alone and survived. Most people on Preview Night are from the media industry, but often actors show up in very low-key attire. I am 98% certain I ran into, Isaac Singleton Jr. on the exhibit hall floor, but he gave me eye contact and used some Jedi mind trick so all I could think is, "This is not the Pirate I am looking for." He turned away from me with his Comic-Con backpack on, which was tiny on his frame, and he bailed. I Facebook messaged him and haven't received word back, probably because he doesn't know me. :^D
As promised, here are a few of the sights. We can start off with this detailed statuette of David Bowie. Seriously, this is awesomeness undiluted. ↓
So, is this ↑ Deadpool? I'm honestly am not a big Superhero kind of guy. Don't hate me. I'm more of a ghost story kind of guy.
Alien Queen (Bust) ↑
That's me on the left. ↑ Pennywise kinda freaks me out. This bust looks way too lifelike.
Nickelodeon. ↑ I honestly hoped Christine Shiefer ,from the ATWWD podcast, would be roaming the area, but obviously she's way too important.
↑ I don't think this thing ↑ needs any introduction.
↑ Me on the left, and a cool Statue, don't know who that is.
↑ Cool Dude in costume.
↑ Life sized statue.
↑ Cool new game.